New York, New York

So... I'm not finished packing, and I haven't completely figured out when I have to be at the airport, but I'm mostly finished creating my Google map of places to visit in NYC. You know: priorities.

I'm also watching season 1 of Friday Night Lights on DVD. Awww! Matt Saracen! and Landry! and Coach Taylor! I love this show. However, I'd better get moving. Suitcase won't pack itself.


  1. I think you're already at the Big Apple. But have a great trip!

  2. Been there, too. On many levels. I have been remiss about getting you a list of things to do in NYC, but it sounds like you are going to do just fine.

    It is also likely that you are already there . . . Hope you have a great time. I will make a plug for Dylan's Candy Bar, Magnolia Cupcakes, and if you like cheese, this restaurant.
