Oh Hai

Yeah, so . . . I had this fantasy that I was going to blog more in 2013. I was going to get back to doing regular Pub Quiz recaps, plus weekly book reports and movie reviews about whatever I've been reading/watching.

But then then the winter blahs kicked in, and for pretty much all of January I didn't feel like doing anything that required actual effort. I still went to Pub Quiz and read books and watched TV/movies, but I didn't feel like taking the extra step of documenting all of that online. I also didn't follow through on my other wacky ideas, like teaching myself the ukulele and learning Italian. It's only February, though, so there's still time.

Anyhow: I did take some crummy iPod Touch photos of some cards I made while I was on winter vacation at my parents' house, so you can enjoy those, I guess. The vague shadows at the bottom are me looming over the cards, because I didn't care enough about proper lighting and whatnot — I just wanted some quick snaps for my project scrapbook (yeah, right —  like I'm actually diligently keeping one of those ... )

These are actually gift tags that I cut up for card decorations

More gift tags that I cut up for card decorations

Yep,  gift tags that I cut up for card decorations

Collage paper with postcard stamps

Learned this technique at a class a few years ago, and I like it a lot.

Floral stickers with a layered paper card kit

Floral stickers with a layered paper card kit

Floral stickers with a layered paper card kit

Fun with masking!  This gnome stamp cracks me up.

This looks better in person -- the silver ink didn't pick up well.

I've had these snowflake embellishments for ages, and finally used them on this set of cards.

Another one that I didn't photograph well, but it's very pretty in person.

Annnd more snowflakes!

You can't have a fancy card without a matching cute envelope... [front]

You can't have a fancy card without a matching cute envelope... [back]

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