Nose to the Grindstone

So, this week I've been actually doing work at the office, instead of the usual goofing around. Bleh.

I also, for once, have something to do in the evenings this week. Monday night was the OU Jazz Ensemble concert, last night was the exec board meeting of the local OU alumni chapter, tonight I have got to catch up on one of my freelance assignments, tomorrow I'm going to see Coraline in 3-D with my sister, and either Friday or Saturday I've got a meeting with one of my other freelance clients.

Oh, and I stupidly checked out about twenty library books at once — at least half are nonfiction — and it's finally time for performances/viewer voting on American Idol. Not that I'm voting for any of these people (yet . . . ) but I like to watch the shows relatively soon after they happen so that I'm not completely spoiled by the headlines on the five or six entertainment-related RSS feeds that I follow.

Yeah, I know: Rough life.

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