Another Installment of Yahoo Mail Theatre

Because I'm too lazy to string coherent thoughts together . . . Yahoo Mail Theatre!

Presented in chronological order, because it makes more sense that way, and with my small errors in movie titles corrected.

Also: Thanks to Break Out the Good Stuff for posting about this recently, so I could bring it up the other week when Missy and I went to the movies.

And now . . . our feature presentation.


----- Original Message ----
From: Amy
To: Missy
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2007 7:16:06 PM
Subject: zombie-beatles mashup

This is the Hard Day's Night/Shaun of the Dead/Night of the Living Dead movie thing I was telling you about the other week . . . and that you've probably totally forgotten about.

YouTube - A Hard Day's Night of the Living Dead


----- Reponse ----
From: Missy
To: Amy
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2007 8:33:58 AM
Subject: Re: zombie-beatles mashup

Hehehehe - That's great!!
Thanks for sending - I was wondering about it actually :)

----- Next Message ----
From: Amy
To: Missy

Sent: Monday, November 26, 2007 9:00:17 AM
Subject: Re: zombie-beatles mashup

I happened to see a similar video while cruising teh interwebs last night, but I didn't send it to you then because it's actually kind of lame and creepy.

It's a band dressed up like the Beatles, except they've stuck oatmeal or something to their faces and used other makeup and props to look like zombies. They sing "A Hard Day's Night," except the second half to every line is "Brains!" in a drawn-out, zombie-esque moan.

The clip is just over three minutes, but you really only need to see one minute to get the joke. And now that I've described it, you don't have to see it at all. (You're welcome.)

Oh, okay, fine. Here it is: The Zombeatles, "A Hard Day's Night of the Living Dead."

And . . . scene.

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