Friday Timewaster: Parody Motivator Generator — Parody Motivator Generator

Pretty much anything from is hilarious. Personally, I've always been a big fan of the Demotivator calendars. I keep thinking I'm going to make my own customized one, but I'm too lazy to put in the amount of time needed to make it truly awesome. Thus, I'm probably also too lazy and uncreative to exploit the Parody Motivator Generator to the fullest. But if you've got a clever photo/caption combo, knock yourself out.

Meanwhile: I'm on the fence about getting my demotivation in t-shirt form. This one is pretty funny, though.

More People Have Read This Shirt Than Your Blog

And now there's one that directs the slam back at the wearer.

More People Have Read This Shirt Than My Blog

The marketing e-mails from are a hoot, too. They're sometimes cross-posted on the official Despair blog, along with some of the new Demotivator designs. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the blog shirt. That may be a Christmas present to myself. Although I don't know which version ....
