I've read about this Bloxorz game before on a few different sites, but today was the first time I've played it. It's vaguely math-like and annoying in that it's all about spatial awareness and geometry, but addicting nonetheless.
If you have a chance to see Henry Rollins on tour, I highly recommend it. Why? Well, this entry on the Creative Generalist blog contains a better summary than I can compose in my current groggy state, and this piece on DCist also says pretty much anything I would say. Oh, and check out the extreeeme close-up photo that appears with this article.
Anyhow, this was the third time I've seen him in Cleveland, and he pretty much always delivers as billed: Provoked: An Evening of Quintessentially American Opinionated Editorializing and Storytelling. However, there was at least one drunken doofus in the back who thought it was supposed to be more of an interactive conversation instead of just listening to Henry and perhaps laughing or maybe clapping in appreciation when he makes a particularly salient point. I'm surprised that the security staff didn't find the offenders and tell them to knock it off, especially after the second time Henry had to say something to one of the guys to try to get him to shut it.
Better then bloxorz is Ice princess game, similar theme, nice graphics, many levels, somethimes harder then bloxorz, longer fun ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTzXo37eK0g