Sometimes I Even Amaze Myself

Twice this week (once in the last five minutes) I realized that I am more prepared than I thought I was.

I thought I was going to be without a Completely Unauthorized OU Coloring Book to raffle off at an alumni event this week. (I ordered more but they weren't  going to arrive in time.) I was getting all spazzed out about it until I went through some of my boxes of supplies at home and realized that the last time I was on campus I stocked up on them, so I could have given away two on Wednesday if I'd wanted. So: Crisis averted.

Then, I'm frantically writing myself reminders on Post-its because I feel terrible (vomit count today: 1) and am trying to figure out what has to get resolved today before I give up  and go home (obvs venting to the universe via my blog is right up there on the mission-critical priorities list) and what I can set aside for next week and what of the things I'm setting aside I need to remind myself about so I don't forget about them by Monday morning.

Then I got disgusted with myself and all these schnibbly bits of paper and went to grab a different pen and a bigger piece of paper to write out the to-do-next-week list and then I thought, Hey, your computer keyboard is six inches away and there's a whole To Do portion of Outlook that you're not using, and then I thought that I should really make this one thing (requesting payment for permission contracts) a calendar item so a reminder will pop up in front of me on Monday morning, and by the time I navigate to the calendar and pull up Monday, what do I find? Smart readers will have already guessed: A reminder to submit the check request for the permission contracts.


The rest of my desk is still a mess, my general unexplained nausea is not abating, and my preoccupation with the correct format and styling of the to-do list is preventing me from, you know, actually doing anything on it.

Maybe now's a good time for a power nap in the car.

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