Happy Bobcats to Me

I have been spending some of the birthday money my parents gave me on fun stuff that strikes my fancy. I ordered a schmancy new iPad case, I got some silver earrings shaped like snowflakes, and I added to my already rather extensive wardrobe of OU t-shirts.

The earrings and the t-shirts arrived in yesterday's mail; the iPad case should be here by Friday. Having stuff shipped to the office jazzes up the day a little, and it allows me to do some grand unveiling.

I like their fancy packing tape. So much so that I took a photo of the other side of the carton.

Oooh, bonus swag! In this case, an HOMAGE pencil and a pack of Addams Family trading cards. (WTF?)

I am pretty much a sucker for anything with a paw on it. Down with the Attack Cat!

I'm fairly certain I saw this movie in a theater with my parents and sister. I also seem to recall going with them to see the sequel on Thanksgiving.

Anyhow: The shirt is super-soft, ultra-comfy, and quite stylish. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up.

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