Such a Waste of Time

I really did not want to go to work today. I was lounging on the couch this morning, watching the rest of Reaper and eating pistachios, and then I realized it was 7:30 and I wasn't anywhere near ready to be at work at 8. I debated calling off, using this as my excuse:

Bad Grammar Makes Me [Sic]

I sucked it up and came in anyways, though. Have I done any actual work? Nope.

I poked around Facebook a bit (I only just signed up this week because a friend from college e-mailed me about it.) and laughed at some group names, like the one a guy I was talking to last night told me about: I Don't Need Sex Because Morton/Jeff Hill F*cks Me Every Day. There are a couple other OU-related ones that are pretty amusing, but only other OU people would recognize the utter hilarity, so I'll shut up about it.

During some unrelated Web surfing, I managed to discover The Book of Biff, however, so maybe I'll spend the rest of the morning reading the comics. I like this one, mostly because of the short essay about office supplies that follows it, and this one, because I did the same thing with the panic button on the key fob until I got used to it.

1 comment:

  1. The one thing I love about Facebook over MySpace is the ability to poke people. My sister and I have been in a poking war for months now.
